Tuesday, May 31, 2011

feeling good!

sigh...so happy to again use super power strength. earlier in very first of morning, when sun only little bit in sky, i b lifting big things 4 fun. luv pick up car with my hands. lift so easy! fun to be bad & put car up side dwon. or move car to different parking spots! hehehehehehe yes Super Ayami is so bad...but i not hurting to any one.


  1. Glad to see your back. But a couple of us want to hear the story of how our goddess returned.

  2. O Super Ayami,

    I am so glad to hear from you again!

    I can't wait to read about your high flyin' adventures.

    You are simply the best!

    The One and Only, Super Ayami!

    Bye Bye and take care!

  3. It's a bird!

    It's a Plane!

    It's Super Ayami!!!!!
